Show Review: Bosch

1 minute read

Recently I am watching a detective show called Bosch on amazon prime video. Now I am at season 3 episode 5.

It is a rather new show I would say. First season came out in 2014, season 4 just came out this year. Reviews on rotten tomatoes are extremely high, about 93%.

Reviews on rotten tomatoes

Reviews on rotten tomatoes

The first two seasons are very eye-catching. Each season focused on several homiside cases. They seemed to be separate cases at the beginning but at the end they are all somehow connected. It is that kind of show once you start watching, you can’t stop. Not only you can’t stop, you also want to recommend to everyone around you so you can discuss with them.

Most of the stories happened in Hollywood, LA. The main character Bosch is a 50ish-year-old detective at LAPD. The character setting is a good cop, whose mom got murdered when he was a kid, tortured at school, eventually ended up as a detective and solves homiside cases.

Bosch is a complicated but very positive person. Most of the criminals in the show had some sort of unhappy childhood here and there, and they hate the society for that. Bosch could have been one of them but he chose not to. He has a very clear goal in his life, that is to solve his mom’s murder case. He wants to revenge, wants to punish whomever did the crime but still enjoys life somewhere in the world. His strong sense of justice carried him through all the pain and sorrows and helped him become the opposite of criminal.

I like Bosch not because he is perfect. In fact, he has a lot of problems. Breaking police rules, having inappropriate relationships with co-workers, etc. But that’s also why this character is so real, so vivid and so touchable. He has his frustrations, he loses his temper sometimes, he gets beaten up by the justice system but stands up and fights against it.

This show is not about super hero saving the world. It’s about no matter how life treats us, we will not give up our humanity. Even if sometimes justice is late, it is never absent.

If I have to say something I don’t like about this show, I think some of the reporters in the show could have performed better, also would be great if detective Irving could talk slower.