Web App: TourCamp

1 minute read

YelpCamp is a Node.js web application with RESTful routing project from the Udemy course - The Web Developer Bootcamp by Colt Steele

Live Demo

To see the app in action, go to Tour Camp Demo

  • Login username: guru
  • Login password: password


  • Authentication:

    • User signup with username, password and invitation code

    • User login with username and password

    • Admin login with admin username and password

  • Authorization:

    • One cannot create new posts or view user profile without being authenticated

    • One cannot edit or delete existing posts and comments created by other users

    • Admin can manage all posts and comments

    • Admin can generate invitation code for user to sign up

  • Functionalities of campground posts and comments:

    • Create, view, edit and delete posts and comments

    • Upload campground photos from local

    • Display campground location on Google Maps

  • Flash messages responding to users’ interaction with the app

  • Responsive web design

Custom Enhancements

  • Embedded comment show page in single campground show page to look more user friendly

  • Changed comment post and put routes to redirect back to single campground show page

  • Used Google Fonts and Font Awesome instead default fonts

  • Used momentJS to show post and comment creation and update timestamp

  • Added Admin invitation code generation functionality

Built with


